Badili Onboards Analizco As A Retail Partner For Refurbished Phones
The week has been exciting, as we push ahead with our efforts to meet the demands of Badili’s customers. Accordingly, Analizco and Company Ltd has now become an official retail partner. Analizco is one of the most trusted retailers of electronics and gadgets in Nairobi, Kenya.
With this new partnership, Badili is able to service the growing market for refurbished phones. Analizco has stores at Embassy House, along Harambee Avenue, near Parliament Roundabout. In their store, you can easily buy Badili phones that are “as good as new” at half the market price!
In accordance with our culture, Badili will already have performed repairs, checks, and inspected all the devices for quality control. All refurbishing is done at our state-of-the-art facility before delivery to the store.
Our new partnership comes just days after RopeM, another top electronics retailer, joined us as an official partner. Through their Tumaini and National Archives stores, we are getting closer to our customers in the Nairobi CBD.
It certainly is a hassle-free experience buying from Badili!