Badili Onboards Yunasi Smart Enterprises As Official Retail Partner In Eastlands
For the past few weeks, Badili has been working hard to reach every customer around the country. Nairobi has become home to Badili, thanks to various partnerships with several retailers. Yunasi Smart Enterprises, a mobile phone and accessories shop in Eastlands, is the latest official retailer of Badili refurbished phones.
Yunasi smart enterprises is based in Green span mall, off Manyanja road next to Safaricom shop. Through this partnership, customers in the greater Eastlands area can get several pre-owned devices easily from Badili. They would have been repaired in a state-of-the-art facility to guarantee you a perfect working device. There are minimal signs of wear and tear on the devices.
Furthermore, all the refurbished devices now come with a 12 months warranty, up from the previous 6 months. This warranty offers you technical support with Badili technicians in the first year after purchase. How convenient!
Over the last two months, demand for our phones has risen tremendously, and we are reaching more people through our retail expansion. A thank you note from the company CEO is in the box with every phone. You can also use this as a voucher to get a discount the next time you, or anyone you recommend purchases a Badili phone!