How To Use Your Phone To Stay Productive
Our phones are hotbeds of distraction. Having access to services like phone, messaging, music player, alarm clock, social media and more. This type of access at the palm of your hand can end up being distracting. Many of us end up spending too much time mindlessly staring at that screen without getting stuff done. The good news is that your phone really can make you more productive, you just need to learn to use it mindfully. Here are ways how to use your phone to stay productive.
Turn off your notifications
Notifications, especially from distracting apps can easily interrupt your work and divert your efforts. To keep notifications productive, you need to decide what apps you want to send you notifications. This means turning off notifications on certain apps. Get familiar with your apps and customize which you would like to disable notifications completely or set specific availability hours.
Track your phone usage
Being more mindful of how you use your phone starts with knowing where your phone time goes. Your smartphone can show you your mobile screen time and breaks down the data of how much time you spend on each app. By seeing the breakdown, you will be able to know which apps you need to spend less time on and set barriers with the things you’re conscious are most likely to distract you.
Use apps to prioritize tasks
There are many task management apps out there including free ones like Notion and Microsoft To Do. You can add tasks, set reminders for their completion and even share lists with others who need to stay on top of things.
Customize your Home Screen
Organizing your apps on your home screen is an easy way to stay organized and minimize unproductive intrusions. You can group your apps into different app drawers like Mail, Slack and Zoom in one drawer as work apps and personal ones like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat etc in another drawer. This way you will be able to access the apps you need quickly without having to scroll through pages of apps to find the app you want to use.
Get rid of unnecessary apps
It’s tempting to download every app under the sun as long as it sounds useful. But in all honesty, you probably only use a handful of apps and the rest are distractions or filling up your storage unnecessarily. If you have those apps that you don’t need, take some time and delete them. It’s important to use your phone and other devices consciously.